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Westray monthly pics
June 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month. This and subsequent pictures tak...
July 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
Sept 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
November 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series cahrting changes in the view from month to month
December 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
January 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
February 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month,
March 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month.
April 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
May 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from moth to month
June 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
July 2005, looking towards Skelwick and Rapness
Picture taken from Old Kirk, Westray, as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to...
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