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Rousay monthly pics
July 2004, looking east from NW Rousay
Picture taken as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
August 2004, looking east from NW Rousay
Picture taken on the 13th August as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to mont...
September 2004, looking east from NW Rousay
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
October 2004, looking east from NW Rousay
Picture taken on the 14th October as part of a series cahrting changes in the view from month to mon...
November 2004, looking east from NW Rousay
Picture taken on 12th November as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
December 2004, looking east from NW Rousay
Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month Looking East from Tou Cottage, ...
January 2005, looking east from NW Rousay
Picture taken from Tou in Tousay on January 13 2005 at 10.18, as part of a series charting changes i...
February 2005, looking east from NW Rousay
Picture taken on 21st February as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month.
March 2005, looking east from NW Rousay
View from Tou Cottage (part of the monthly series) taken 9 am Sunday 13 March 2005. Part of a series...
May 2004, Looking East from NW Rousay
Picture taken on 13th May as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month. Take...
June 2005, Looking East from NW Rousay
I think I should caption this one: June? You have to be joking! Last in a series of images chart...
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