Orkney Image Library

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Ian Balcombe

Beacons at Rose Ness Beacons at Rose Ness, Holm. Burray in the distance. I've looked at these beacons from my house in Bu...
Hole of the Ness Hole of the Ness, Rose Ness, Holm. A really impressive blowhole, or gloup. Copinsay on the horizon. ...
Stack and arch near Sae Geo Stack and arch near Sae Geo, Rose Ness, Holm. Copinsay on the horizon. This was a really mild aftern...
National Day of Action National Day of Action - the public sector workers rally culminates at the steps of the cathedral. 3...
National Day of Action Over 200 public sector workers taking part in the National Day of Action, 30-11-2011. Seen here marc...
Wind and tidal power Wind and tidal power sit in close proximity at the pier, Hatston. 2nd November, 2011.
Longhope pier, the morning after the night before Longhope pier, the morning after the night before.... (the night before being a beach party held in ...
A new-build nearing completion A new-build nearing completion, on 11th December, 2008. Taken from Swanbister, looking North. I bet ...
Writing on the wall The writing is on the wall.... but which wall? Well, it's on the Covenanters' Memorial in Deerness. ...
Cairn on Gruf Hill Cairn, Clestrain Sound, Graemsay and Hoy. Taken from Gruf Hill on 20-05-2009.
Cairn on Gruf Hill a bit later Taken less than an hour after the earlier photo of the same cairn. Just as beautiful though. 20-05-2...
Oil removal barges at Royal Oak Barges near the Royal Oak in Scapa Bay. Oil removed from the wreck during "clean-up" operations are ...

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