Orkney Image Library

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Steven Heddle

Steven Heddle has a particular fondness for Orkneycommunities.co.uk having drawn up its specification for Orkney Enterprise, and now is the portal administrator on behalf of Voluntary Action Orkney. No wonder so many of his pictures get on the site...
Kirkwall at dawn Dawn being about 9am 9/1/19
Tourist guide training If only there was something to show off. Taken 19/1/19
1 Skara Brae, KW16 3kBC Taken on 2/3/19
Climate change protest at KGS Taken on 15/3/19 From The Orcadian: "Kirkwall Grammar School pupils have joined tens of thou...
Cathedral panorama, looking north From the spire on a upper level tour 6/5/19 Click on View Large Version, and then click on that t...
Cathedral panorama looking west from the spire on an upper level tour, 6/5/19 Click on View Large Version, and then click on that...
Pier Arts Centre Taken on 4/6/19
Mein Schiff 3 emerges from the fog. Fog not mist, just in case something gets lost in translation. Taken on 26/8/19
Fair swell at Dingieshowe Taken on 21/9/19
Green Badge Tourist Guides Class of 2019 Back L-R: Gordon Deans, John Foster, Pauline Duncan, Karen Stevenson, Rhona Jenkins, Billy Skea, Jes...
Four Saab 340s at KOI Taken on the morning of Monday 16th December 2019. I thought these were all meant to be replaced ...
Andy Taylor Group CD launch The ATG launched their CD in the Sound Archive on Laing Street on Thursday 12th December, with acous...

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Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims