Orkney Image Library

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The Old Man of Hoy. Traveling on the ferry 'Hamnavoe' on a dull misty day,I saw a sun spot moving across the ciffs and c...
A stormy day in the west. A swell with an off shore wind, interesting to watch.
A Busy Bee I planted some sunflower seeds one year and they grew into six feet sunflowers, the only year I got ...
Early morning, East side, South Ronaldsay. One morning I was out a run in South Ronaldsay, I took my camera just in case I saw some shots, you ...
Shooting from South Ronaldsay towards Stromness It was an overcast morning, maybe a bit dull for a photo, I thought this was an interesting view of ...
The Old Man of Hoy. When crossing the Pentland Firth on a misty day, aboard the ferry 'Hamnavoe', I noticed a sun spot m...
St. Margarets Hope I was a bit early for the ferry, I had some time to take a few shots of the village, it was a nice m...
Parish of Harray I was out a walk one day and saw this picture of the Parish of Harray on the Orkney mainland, lookin...
A calm spring day I was out a run in my car and saw this mirror effect. [Is that Braebuster in Deerness? - Steven]
A misty summer night. I was out at Rerwick, Tankerness and I saw this photo looking towards Wideford hill behind Kirkwall.
All quiet in Stromness Stromness on the 4-11-09, a calm day with nice reflections...
Sailing past Shapinsay Date ? June 08, Sailing past Shapinsay.

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