Orkney Image Library

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Fiona Stevenson

Fiona Stevenson, nee Street.
Papdale Infant school concert 1975 Names - left to right: Neil Watters, Kevin Drever, Anne Linklater, Fiona Johnson, Helen Ryrie, Kath...
Papdale Infant School concert 1975 Too many faces to name...............
Masonic Christmas Party 1976 I'm standing next to Santa. Erika and Helga Jolly are at the front - Helga sitting side on.
Papdale P4 Einar Back row: Mrs Marshall, Neil Watters, Steven Rendall, Elizabeth Findlater, Linda Norquoy, Trevor Mac...
Papdale P5 class 1978/79 Back row: Ian Croy, Kenny Ryrie, Clinton Findlay, Gordon Wilson, Lewis Wrigley, Graeme Coates, Neil ...
Last Day of P7 at Glaitness Back row: Johnny Kerr, Douglas Sinclair, Donald Budge, Graham Blount, Robert Bruce, Derek Firth, Cli...
First P6 class at the new Glaitness Primary School Back row: Clinton Findlay, Derek Firth, Paul Smith, Stewart Gray, Robert Bruce, Mr W Harper (class t...
Kirkwall Girl Guides early 1980s Not sure of the occasion, but the Monday night Guides are in the red ties and the Friday night Guide...
Kirkwall Girl Guides colour party early 1980s From left to right: Fiona Street, Anne Mowat, Alison Clark, Barbara Hutchison, Margaret Thomson, ?M...

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