Orkney Image Library

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Ola pier 1974/75ish In this photo you can see the first linkspan in stromness and wilson stores and auld vans. The front...
BS1642 this bike was new in stromness and was fitted with a sidecar.
Reaper This is the Reaper open to the public in the summer of 2000
Hatston pier picture of the building of the hatston pier.
Mystery place Mystery place
Mystery place A milestone, but where?
Balfour castle Sun shining on the Balfour castle on the 31-12-07.
sunset Sun setting over scapa and hoy, the orange light under the sun is the burn that runs through the mea...
mystery place Where in orkney could this be?
Norholmen no more A few bits os steel is what is left of the norwegian fishing boat "NORHOLMEN" after she was scrapped...

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