Orkney Image Library

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Kenneth Gee

kirkwall lifeboat Kirkwall lifeboat out on exercise off Rendall coast
Kirkwall lifeboat callout Kirkwall lifeboat on a call out in heavy sea
Fri Stream engine faliure Edda Frigg towing Fri Stream through Deersound in November 2006 (Stromness lifeboat , Kirkwall lifeb...
peedie red breast cheeky wee red breast looking for food
percy percy takes a wee flight in Scapa Flow
Kirkwall lifeboat kirkwall lifeboat and kirkwall firecrew on a shout to eday (house fire) sorry about the quality of t...
Kirkwall lifeboat Kirkwall lifeboat and kirkwall firecrew on a shout to Eday (house fire) sorry about the quality of t...
Kirkwall lifeboat Exercise on sunday morning 17th feb. magnus, sinclair and sput trying to see how long a piece of st...
Kirkwall lifeboat Kirkwall lifeboat and Shetland coastguard helicopter exercise in Kirkwall Bay.
orkney off shore fire crew off shore fire crew take a swim in the string during an exercise :)
orkney off shore fire crew off shore fire crew being winched onto the earl
Kirkwall lifeboat Out on exercise with the gang on sunday morning Nov 2008 on the left to right: Magnus, Iain and Sp...

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