Orkney Image Library

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Hoy and Walls

Maiden's Pap Taken from Rackwick
'Tablecloth' effect Taken early one morning. Dwarfie Hammars to the right and Ward Hill on the left.
Tablecloth over Ward Hill Same effect as seen in picture #21220 . It was strange because it seemed to appear from nowhere and ...
Cairns at Ward Hill Two of the many cairns to be found around Ward Hill in Hoy.
Face at Sunset thumb #21112 With reference to picture #21112.
Twister in Hoy Sound Twister photographed heading up Hoy Sound on 13/08/09. Taken from the jack up barge 'Deep Diver 1' w...
Entrance to fuel tanks This is the entrance to the fuel tanks in Hoy.
Dwarfie Stane Dwarfie Stane Hoy.
Arctic Convoy Memorial Already for unveiling on Saturday

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