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Milne Cup Squad
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Milne Cup Squad

The 1993 Orkney football team pictured before flying to Shetland for the annual Mile Cup fixture. I'm pretty sure Shetland won the game 3-0.

Back: Andy Walker, Erland Poke, Graham Johnston, Colin MacLeod, Martin Sutherland & Bruce Moar.
Middle: Raymond Rendall, Wallace Magachie, George Colterd, Ronnie Patterson, Andy Kemp & Bob Clouston.
Front: George Stout, Keith Oddie, Ally Velzian & Paddy Kirkpatrick.

The game was only memorable for the number of letters that appeared in The Orcadian afterwards due to several players taking part in a Parish Cup semi-final two nights before the fixture.
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Picture added on 22 February 2008
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