The Orkney Image Library
No: 805 Contributor: Phoenix Photography Images Year: 1969 Areas: Burray, Kirkwall, St Ola, Tankerness
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A Viscount stands outside the then new terminal building. I believe that the Nissen hut at right angles to it was the old terminal building.
Picture added on 13 June 2005
The Nissen hut is the old BEA engineering workshop and I think Air BP office
Added by Robert Milne on 24 June 2005
Does anyone have any inside photos of the old airport building? I remember the noise the rollers used to make when the luggage came through the hatch at the bottom when the flights came in, you always knew you had arrived back in Kirkwall when you heard that.
Added by Craig Taylor on 13 December 2005
The left section of the Nissen hut was occupied by Air BP and the middle section occupied by the airport operators Ministry of Civil Aviation who became HIAL. It was used as a supply store in the early days. BEA Engineering occupied the right hand portion. The original nissen hut Terminal was sited at the opposite side of the now car park and was demolished yo make way for the then new terminal building. The small building in the foreground was the Met Office. The tall white building in the background housed the standby power generator for the airport.The other building facing the apron is/was the new Fire /Mt Building.
Added by Jack Harcus on 08 February 2006
The jet is much more interesting, why was it there.
Added by Geordie Flett on 24 February 2007
I started refueling with Shell/BP at Kirkwall Airport in December 1969 and our old office was still there on the site of the Met Office in the picture. Also between the met office and the camera lense there is an ariel mast down to the right with another to the left of the Viscount wing,both of which supported floodlights that i believe went up about 1971ish,would this be right Jackie?
Added by John Ritch on 12 April 2010
If you started in 1969 then I would go along with 1971ish for the floodlights. Real progress at Kkwall in these early days. I suspect the HS125 jet could well have been the Caa flying unit ac which paid regular visits to check the dvor and other aids. No ILS in these days. etc. Good to know you are still in with us John
Added by Jack Harcus on 16 April 2010
I kin mind goan inta the toilets aroond this time at the Airport, and "seean" this new fangled, bowls and I thought is this things for washan' yir hands in, as I had never seen the new kind o "piddle troughs"- wae did hid, in the byre or ower,a dyke!!. The new airport building was superb.
Added by John Budge on 17 April 2010
Not many cars parked there compared to todays lot.
Added by Alastair on 17 April 2010
John, kinda minds me o two ladies who were sold toilet brushes at the county show. They were back at the same stall the next year and the rep asked "how are you getting on with the toilet brushes?" The one said " oh me an maggie are strugglin on wi them bit the men have gone back to the paper!!"
Added by W Watters on 18 April 2010
The line of cars at the far side from the terminal were cars for hire by the then self drive operator. There have been many changes at the airport over the years which is very normal at airports as they are always at the front of new technology when it is developed I would never have believed the airport could have a fantastic lead in light range and ILS when I was working at the airport from 1956 to 1978. Car parking charges have always been an emotive issue!
Added by Jack Harcus on 19 April 2010
2nd door from the right in the nissan hut was the BEA Cargo store. It was previously a "cupboard" outside at the top end of the airport building. Graceful old aircraft, the Viscount. Can see a lorry ramp to the left of the nissan hut. Hardy mechanics in those days!!
Added by Robert on 30 April 2010
The lorry ramp was a relic from the wartime. Seldom used for official purposes but very handy for staff carrying out private car repairs. Our engineers were never hardy enough to use it!!
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Added by Jack Harcus on 03 May 2010