The Orkney Image Library
No: 774 Contributor: Orkney Wireless Museum Year: 1944
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This picture is taken from www.subbrit.org.uk, and was scanned in by Nick Catford from an original in the Orkney Wireless Museum at the Kiln Corner in Kirkwall. The date is estimated and the picture shows the masts as they were when they formed part of the Chain Home radar defence system. Two of these masts survived to become The Pylons (picture #199) until they were dismantled by the same firm that put them up in the first place.
Picture added on 30 May 2005
A fantastic picture of an important part of Orkney history. We first visited orkney in 1992 and sadly never saw them in situ.when were they finally demolished? The house now standing on the site must have the firmest foundations of any house, anywhere. From how far away was it possible to see them? Were the locals sorry to see them go? I would love to be able to see further photographs or access further info if any should be available.
Added by jane dalby on 16 November 2005
Two local worthies in Holm seemingly climbed up to the cross gantry and run from one end to the other and got the mast swinging quite nicely!!
Added by Eric on 06 January 2007
Is this Netherbutton???
I know many Chain Home stations had their towers in a line, but my recolection is that those at Netherbutton formed a square.
I know many Chain Home stations had their towers in a line, but my recolection is that those at Netherbutton formed a square.
Added by Tom Mainland on 06 June 2007
Yes, this is Netherbutton. I grew up at Netherbutton farm, part of which was taken to build the RAF station. My two older brothers used to go up these pylons like a pair of monkeys. On nights when there was lightning, we used to stand outside and watch it running up and down the pylons. The wooden pylons, which were behind Roadside, were built in a square as far as I remember.
Added by Violet (Seatter) Perfect on 08 June 2007
The buried reserve station at Netherbutton was on Northfield Farm approx 1000m away from the main site. The buried bunkers still exist. There were two masts there in an east/west line which I believe were wooden. the concrete bases still stand.
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Added by Hazel Weaver on 09 June 2007