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Another  no 4 barrier photo
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Another no 4 barrier photo

I guess about 1960 open to correct date
Picture added on 17 April 2007
no way is it 1960, I first came to Orkney in 1967 and there was no sand on the east side of No 4 barrier then. More like 1980.

Added by Bob Constable on 22 October 2008
True enough- when I was kid in the 70s you had to wade out to that wreck, and could walk along the blocks from one side to the other.
Added by Steven Heddle on 23 October 2008
When I was 'young' I remember they had a wire out to this ship and were winching in scrap
Added by William Watters on 23 October 2008
1980 for this photo.i was there 1974 putting in the pipeline for flotta and we passed inside the ship with the concrete wheelhouse with our boats.
Added by Chooch on 07 March 2009
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Burray Primary SchoolWreck of Blockship SS CollingdonHigh tide at third barrierOrkney from the air. Pic2The Crop at Burray PierChurchill BarriersKirkwall Broad Street - May 19611950 Ferguson TE20  tractor crossing the BarriersGun emplacements,Burray3rd Barrier taken from below Weddell Farm